June 20, 2021

TumbleWheels - Rolling Electric-Fence Posts | Cool Invention!

Gallagher Tumble Wheels - Rolling Electric-Fence Posts are used primarily in rotational grazing, the New Zealand-made TumbleWheel Rolling Electric-Fence Posts, which look like the spokes of a wheel with electric wire running through the center hub, allow one to relocate an entire fence line without having to turn off the power, pull out/move/re-sink the posts, then turn the power back on. 

The hubs maintain the power while the fence is being moved; the 30-inch-long ‘spokes’ remain live, except for two that are on the ground; and the wheels are held upright via tension of the wire passing through the hubs.  

When just one or both ends of the fence are moved, all the wheels roll along.  Ten TumbleWheels, which are lightweight and non-corrosive, will accommodate 660 feet of fence line.


Source:  Valley Farm Supply, LLC

   P.O. Box 198 (19 Mount Airy Road)

   New Providence, PA 17560

   Ph.:  717-786-0368

   E-mail:  valleyfarmsupply@aol.com

   Web:  https://gallagherelectricfencing.com/collections/gallagher-tumble-wheels 

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